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I was out under our plane in the shade of the right wing. I had just finished checking the radio and setting the equipment I was to use. “Too Much of Texas” was ready for her flight. We had been flying low level for about two weeks and were getting use to the rough flights. Beside “Too Much of Texas” was another B-26 Named “JAZEBELLA also being checked over.

I struck up a little talk with the radio operator of that ship and found out they were going to make a parachute jump. At that time we saw the Pilot with Salvo a Fox Terry dog. We all knew Salvo liked to fly but I guessed that he would come back after a part of the crew did their parachute jump. O no that was not going to be the way so the Radio Operator told me, as Salvo wanted to jump also. Salvo had made several jumps before.

There was a special ‘chute made for Salvo. It just snapped on to his harness. One could guess how it was going to work as I was told that day one of the crew would jump holding Salvo, then turn him loose. I guess at the same time would pull the rip cord. Did he go any bombing raids ? you would ask. Well to be true full I don’t know if he went on any raids as I was on the first two and I am sure that he did not go on them. If he had on the second raid he would have been a POW dog. All ships were shot down on the second and what happened after that I could not say. But the little dog would make such a fuss I am sure he did go on a few. I did not try to find out before this time, as I could not even think of the raids we went on. Every time there was a plane start up Salvo would jump around and bark just like a kid afraid he would be left behind.

We would see Salvo at the base outside and each time the boys would salute Salvo. Salvo was one dog we all loved. I used to love dogs but every since I had one attack me in POW camp STALAG XVII-B I have been a little weary of them. Now I can’t stand to hear a dog bark as it makes chills run up and down my back bone. Of course this dog the Germans had were trained to attack. Also were a larger breed. And I mean this one made a lunge at my neck. I threw up my arm to guard off his attack and he tore a big hunk out of my left wrist. I will never forget his hot breath as he barked while attacking. And when his front feet hit my chest it felt like some one threw a hard sack of sand and hit me there.

Oh heck, I got off of Salvo so back to the Army Air Force Dog. How he knew where the danger spots were around the B-26 I will never know. Even though he would go loose he would stay away from the props. I don’t think he liked the prop wash too good as he would stay away from them also. But most of the time when his crew was going on a flight he was strapped in his harness. That was one little fellow who loved to fly in the B-26 MB.

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